Sidewinderweb@golinden.com2024-02-26T08:48:40-07:00 SidewinderNeed content and image Our Neutralizer SourcesFilament NeutralizerFilament neutralizers are typically applied as neutralizers or cathodes in the controlled production of ion and plasma beams.Hollow Cathode NeutralizersHollow Cathode is one of several types of low energy and high current electron sources KRI offers. RFN3000The RFN3000 is typically installed in a materials processing environment and applied as neutralizers or cathodes in the controlled production of ion and plasma beams. LFN2000The LFN2000 is a non-immersed electron source which mounts to the side of the ion source. Its range of operation is suited to applications where lower emission currents are advantageous. Contact UsIf you have questions about any of our products or their applications, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. Send us A QUESTIONFind a Representative