KRI will be at these upcoming trade shows – join us!
We will have products, literature, and a dedicated team that’s looking forward to meeting with you. We’ll see you at the KRI booth!
SPIE Photonics West
San Francisco, CA | January 28-30, 2025 | Booth #1362
SPIE Photonics West is the world’s largest photonics technologies event. Attendees share research in biomedical optics, biophotonics, industrial lasers, optoelectronics, microfabrication, MOEMS-MEMS, displays, quantum technologies—including quantum 2.0—and other similar topics with a focused, engaged audience.
Freemont, CA | February 27, 2025 | Table Top
The NCCAVS sponsors an Annual Equipment Exhibition to showcase products and services of companies supporting vacuum-related industries. Attracting approximately 100+ exhibitors and ~700 attendees, the NCCAVS Annual Equipment Exhibition is the largest sponsored by any AVS Chapter. Also, this event is hosted in conjunction with the NCCAVS Technical Symposium and Annual Student Poster Session.
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing
Orlando, FL | April 13-17, 2025 | Booth #1511
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing joins leading researchers who are solving challenges in detector and sensor systems, infrared, laser systems, spectral imaging, radar, lidar, autonomous systems and other advances across the security and defense industry.
Rocky Mountain Photonics Summit 2025
Westminster, CO | April 17-18, 2025 | Table Top
Now planning for its fourth year since inception, the Rocky Mountain Summit and Expo is the premier photonics focused event in Colorado. This year the event planners will endeavor to include more speakers, exhibitors and attendees from the Rocky Mountain region (NM, UT, WY). This event is industry focused and provides a forum for a commercial exhibition as well as technical sessions focused on specific industries such as aerospace, semiconductor and life science. The commercial exhibition features approximately 30-40 exhibiting companies focused on photonics technologies and services. Technical sessions focus on technologies (lasers, sensors, spectrometers) and industry applications for photonics technologies. CPIA hosts a plenary session/dinner as well as a full expo of leading names in the photonics industry as well as a happy hour at the end of the day.
AVS New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM | May 7, 2025 | Table Top
The New Mexico Chapter of AVS provides an exceptional opportunity to reach individuals from Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Labs, Air Force Research Laboratory and local industries such as Intel, Emcore and CVI Laser. Faculty and students from The University of New Mexico, New Mexico State University and New Mexico Tech are frequent attendees.
OIC Optical Interference Coatings Conference
Tuson, AZ | May 18-23, 2025 | BOOTH #407
Optica OIC — Optical Interference Coatings Conference is the premier global conference for all aspects of optical coatings. It spans fundamental research on coating design theory, materials, deposition methods, characterization technologies and applications ranging across electronic displays, optical communication, high-power and ultra-fast lasers, sensing, solar cells, low-emissivity coatings, optical instruments, space and more.
SVC TechCon 2025
Nashville, TN | May 19-22, 2025 | Booth #710
The SVC TechCon focuses on the essential role that Thin Films, Coatings, and Surface Engineering play in the products and services that drive our daily lives. The SVC represents the latest technologies, manufacturing methodologies, and business insights, supporting a global group of stakeholders. Highlighted by prominent Keynote presentations and invited speakers, the TechCon offers an engaging podium for contributed talks and posters as well as roundtable discussions and other interactive features on a variety of themes.
SPIE Optics + Photonics
San Diego, CA | August 5-7, 2025 | Booth #427
The Optics + Photonics Exhibition is for cutting-edge optics and photonics-based products and the latest components, devices and systems. This is a free, three day opportunity for researchers and engineers to connect with leading companies as they showcase the newest products and the latest technologies. A unique marketplace for essential optical components, materials, devices and more.
AVS 71
Charlotte, NC | September 21-26, 2025 | Booth #401
The AVS International Symposium and Exhibition addresses cutting edge issues associated with materials, processing and interfaces in both the research and manufacturing communities. The weeklong Symposium fosters a multidisciplinary environment that cuts across traditional boundaries between disciplines, featuring papers from AVS Technical Division, Groups, Focus Topics on emerging technologies and more. An extensive Exhibition of related equipment, tools, materials, supplies, chemicals, services, consulting, technical literature and new technologies are showcased during the week.
SPIE Optifab 2025
Rochester, NY | October 20-23, 2025 | Booth #913
SPIE Optifab is the premier event to meet with top companies and learn about the latest optical fabrication technologies. Organized jointly by SPIE and APOMA, Optifab is the largest optical manufacturing conference and exhibition held in North America.
SPIE Laser Damage
Rochester, NY | October 19-22, 2025 | Conference
SPIE Laser Damage is the specialized meeting for laser damage materials and thin films used with high-power, high-energy lasers. This event allows the community to share the latest advances in durability, properties modeling, testing and component fabrication.
2025 MRS Fall Meeting
Boston, MA | December 2-4, 2025 | Booth #TBD
The MRS Fall Meeting delivers a combination of interdisciplinary cutting-edge research, innovative technologies, and collaborative networking with the field’s leading minds, which leads to new discoveries in areas ranging from quantum materials to energy and sustainability.
Ion-Assisted Deposition Wheel
Use this tool to help determine the ion current density recommended for successful IBAD processes.